Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Gold Miner's Tale

Does Just Believing Have Benefits?

I love the ending of this poem. The man tries more than once to "get rich quick" by going out and panning for gold. He believes that he will be a wealthy young man because he is certain he will strike it rich. He even dreams about finding gold.

But he is fooled by the false promise of riches. The old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" is very true in this instance. And after failing for a second time to find gold (and giving up his job to do so!), he learns his lesson. He realizes that he can make money off of the other prospectors by selling them long underwear to fight the cold. Brilliant!

I know I told you that I would put the answers on here... and I did! You just have to look closely. And if you can't figure it out, you'll just have to go about finding the answers the traditional way: READ THE POEM!

For 5 additional points, please add a comment at the bottom (where it says COMMENTS). Your comment may not show up right away, but be patient and it will (if it's appropriate). Be sure to include your name.


  1. hi its jesus from 4/5 peroid

  2. Eduardo Rodríguez ⚽��

  3. The poem was amazingly good!! (sebastian rodriguez)

  4. Thanks for the answers :) (Even though I finished it in class) - Nathan Truong

  5. I Diego Monjaras visited the website Mr.Lackey

  6. I don't know what to put by Cameron humphreys 7/8

  7. Good poem. Cameron Humphreys 6/7

  8. This poem is amazing-Emilio Betancourt

  9. For some reason my comment did not show !

  10. Hey Mr.Lackey it's your old student from last year Jose Maldonado. I just wanted to pass by and say hi. I now go to a middle school in Mesquite,TX and I am doing great. In English we just finished reading Shakespeare(The Tempest). I cant pronounce most of the words in his plays ,but I'm getting better at it. I'm going to go to a high school wich is ranked fourth in state soccer.You will be seeing me in tv in about 6 years lol. I will try to go to at least two of the games for YMLA soccer. I will tell someone to tell you what game I will go to so you can hopefully go too.Can you also do me a favor and say hi for me to the kids in your pre-ap classes.I will try to comment about every month or so. Have a great day.
